Friday, March 21, 2008

06: 莫文蔚 L!VE is Karen Mok


Just realise that I haven't been updating this corner of mine for quite some time.

Spent some time recently to listen to some past albums which I have missed out previously or did not catch my attention at that point of time when they were released. Was surprised to find some of them to my liking actually. Again, it proves that some albums should really not be judged by its cover and it's always a enjoyable experience to discover some of the 'hidden' treasures every now and then (at least, it appeals to me)

Anyway, there's nothing worth looking forward to for the next few months, so this is really a great opportunity to start digging those old cds from my drawers to review those earlier works again (a really good excuse to do that).

Should be expecting more reviews to come for the following months, hopefully.



我一直都非常欣赏Karen独特随性的嗓音,不过首播主打<日场夜场>并没成功引起我的注意力。Is funky and retro outlook the theme for this album? That was the first question that came to my mind.

Sad to say that this is really not my cup of tea.

I'm not really dubious of her musicial talents when it comes to composition. Her rather daring decision to release this album came as a surprise and makes me wonder whether is it appropriate at this point in time, especially when her last comeback album in 2006 failed to re-capture the ears of the audiences (as reflected from the sales of the album).

Is it a right move, then?

I do have to agree with the fact that this album will not appeal to majority, especially when we are in an era, suffocated with saccharine sweet, 'bubbly' pop music. In comparison to her previous albums, I think this should be one which you can find the least karaoke-friendly songs... losing out to most exisitng competitors in the current market.

Her amateur position when it comes to musical composition will definitely be outshined by those at the higher end. Therefore, the success of this album all lies down to comprehensive musical arrangement to 'beautify' the songs, and I'm glad to say that the production team managed to accomplish that at least.

The songs came to me as kind of repetitive. The best example(s) to describe this statement would be 隐隐(Lingering) and 台(Stage). Even though it appears that both happen to be songs on the 'high' side and climax of this album, they are still not that strong enough to make it there yet.

Intense oriental flavour in DIVA and rather layback arrangement in 散(Finale). A variety of genres as what you would expect to hear during a live concert. My pick for this album will have to go to 安可(Encore). Adore this tint of jazz and blue, and Karen's vocal performance is the entire highlight for this song. Comfortable and smooth engagement of this song.

Conclusion: Simply listening to her slinky performance just makes this album worthwhile.

Last album? I hope not.


T3:头号粉丝 词:李焯雄 曲:莫文蔚

T5:隐隐 词:李焯雄 曲:莫文蔚

T10:安可 词:李焯雄 曲:莫文蔚

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